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A message to MNOs about OSS Agility
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Message to MNOs about OSS agility [TT1] 

Many MNOs have sensibly been evolving towards enterprise OSS architectures incorporating well defined multi-layer service component style interfaces. This is a solid strategy that increases the flexibility and reusability of OSS software and will reduce MNO operational expenditure into the future. However, the nirvana of rapid deployment plug-and-play Network Monitoring System (NMS) tools, utilities and applications has not been realised. At the same time, a range of particular business scenarios are now becoming common-place occurrences and represent a “new normal” within the industry. These include the following:

  • RANshares
  • Site shares
  • Networking operation outsourcing
  • Field outsourcing
  • Globalisation
  • Network transformations
  • 4G rollouts with additional site acquisitions
  • 3G/2G upgrades in order to create much needed site space
  • Addition of small cells down to Femto area and Wi-Fi offload
  • MNOs mergers and acquisitions
  • Introduction of additional MVNOs

Typically, MNOs experiencing one or more of the above scenarios do not have the necessary OSS reporting capabilities in place.  While their OSSs can be evolved in the medium-term to accommodate requirements, it is a matter of years not months or weeks. The business requires a simple easy-to-use reliable solution immediately, so that all parties involved in RAN operations can co-operate effectively using a set of agreed, basic but critical, operational information.