RANmetrics Ltd., 51 Bracken Road, Sandyford, Dublin D18 CV48  |   +353 1 2304406  |   [email protected]
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The unique solution for CEOs, Operations and Customer Care Professionals, MNVOs and Customers

As we increasingly introduce RANmate to the market, we’re seeing its great appeal to telco CEOs who want to keep their finger on the pulse of their mobile network operations. For little investment and risk, CEOs get a simple, dynamic dashboard of what’s working and what’s not, be it on a screen or their desktop or a tablet.

Clear visibility for CEOs, as a trusted and transparent source of data

Immediately, your CEOs can access accurate trusted data – the same data that can been seen by the multiple stakeholders involved in delivering your mobile services. That gives a clear view at the top of what’s really going on, so you can proactively address any issues that may impact your customers.

Heads and Directors of Operations, Customer Care and Key Account Management

For Heads and Directors of Operations, Customer Care and Key Account Management, RANmate removes the headaches of  needing to reference disparate reports from several sources in search of ‘the single truth’.

With RANmate’s dashboard at their fingertips – whether on desktop, laptop, tablet or high profile network and service centres – your company’s operations and customer care professionals can tackle problems proactively, enhancing customer perceptions of your service, while improving relationships with suppliers, mobile operators and MVNOs.

Come join us … simple, effective and affordable network monitoring

RANmate is an ideal, simple, effective and affordable solution those who until now have been unable to find affordable RAN solutions to meet their basic operational monitoring needs.