RANmetrics Ltd., 51 Bracken Road, Sandyford, Dublin D18 CV48  |   +353 1 2304406  |   [email protected]
About RANmate
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No need to invest a fortune to get the best network monitoring

Telcos don’t need to invest a fortune to monitor network availability and performance in real-time. Or to keep around the clock records of its history. RANmate brngs the utmost simplicity to the complex market of Mobile Network Management, for a fraction of the cost of large complex solutions.

Through simple and dynamic dashboards, RANmate shows you in real-time which network sites , sectors and cells are up or down, across all technologies, be they 2G, 3G, 4G, Femtocell or Wi-Fi.

Available on premises or as a SaaS solution, RANmate simply and accurately provides a unified view of network RAN status, helping operators to ensure their networks stay constantly healthy.

Taking the telco stage by storm

As organisations become increasingly aware of RANmate, we expect it to take the telco stage by storm, as a high-impact, extremely cost-effective, low investment and low risk solution that’s capable of changing the culture of telcos and their stakeholders.

RANmate – transparency and truth, at your fingertips

By making available a single version of the truth with full transparency for everyone involved, at-a-glance, RANmate is all-pervasive, delivering the power to change ways of working within and between telcos and their suppliers, partners and other stakeholders.

No more disputes, just focus, service and teamwork

With everyone on the same page, thanks to an undisputed up-to-the-minute dashboard of what’s up and running on the network, you’ll avoid time-wasting evaluations of multiple reports as well as any ensuing disputes about responsibilities.

The end result? With RANmate, you’ll work closely as a team, focusing on remedies, not rifts. You’ll be able to ensure control, confidence, trust and professionalism across all the parties involved in providing your mobile services to customers, wherever they may be.

What Our Clients Say

“It was clear that some of our operational processes, such as how we monitored our network in real-time, were unreliable and provided no history. We needed a solution that could easily scale and incorporate new data following a recent merger.”

- Programme Transition Manager, 3Ireland

“I now understand the state of my network. Thanks to RANmate I can easily look at the dashboard on my office screen, desktop or laptop and know in real-time what's working and what isn't. That’s crucial up-to-the-minute information for me as a CEO, as much as it is for my operations and customer care people. And I can know that they’re doing something to fix it.”

- Name, organisation

Try RANmate today: full demo and POC

Why not see for yourself how simple RANmate is. Contact us for a full demo or a free easy-to-set up Proof of Concept (POC).

Find out more:

Product Sheet (1) Product Sheet (2) Service Description Who's RANmate For? Why use RANmate? RANmate Femto Demo and POC