RANmetrics Ltd., 51 Bracken Road, Sandyford, Dublin D18 CV48  |   +353 1 2304406  |   [email protected]
RANmate Femto
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RANmate Femto - A Simple View in Every Corner

There’s a burgeoning trend of connecting mobiles via the broadband network to boost weak signals in venues, hotels, conference centres and major centres, particularly in older buildings where walls are thick. They’re a great way to deliver consistently performing mobile services to everyone, everywhere.

Trouble is, who’s responsibility are they? To customers, the answer’s simple. They expect an ‘always-on’ mobile experience, no matter where they are, and those expectations are placed firmly on their mobile provider.

Keep a close eye on Femtos

Never before has it been so important to keep a close eye on Femtos, making sure customers receive a seamless ‘joined-up’ mobile experience. Using RANmate’s Femtos capabilities, you can be certain of a perfect solution for cost-effectively monitoring Femto signals in every corner, to deliver that ‘always-on’ mobile experience that customers see as their right.

Unifying network services

Dataduct’s RANmate Femto product unifies your network performance capabilities, simply monitoring all Femto devices to keep operators informed about availability at all times, in the same way as it does for network cells.

What Our Clients Say

“We provide mobile services to some critical commercial venues which use Femto base stations via broadband to boost signals in their buildings to keep their customers happy and meet their always-on expectations. That service is critical, so having RANmate’s Femto capability means we, and our customers and other stakeholders, can stay on top of the game.”

- Name, organisation

“RANmate’s Femto product is a real enabler for our services, as we continue to deliver Femto base station capabilities as shared infrastructure no matter who the mobile provider or MVNO. It means there’s a totally integrated solution for all providers, avoiding wasteful duplication by offering the same Femtos for all with the same close monitoring capabilities to keep an eye on services. This is a real game-changer in our industry”

- Name, organisation

Try RANmate today: full demo and POC

Why not see for yourself how simple RANmate is. Contact us for a full demo or a free easy-to-set up Proof of Concept (POC).

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The simple truth, at-a-glance)