RANmetrics Ltd., 51 Bracken Road, Sandyford, Dublin D18 CV48  |   +353 1 2304406  |   [email protected]
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We provide the essential information you need to quickly and confidently determine how your RAN is operating.

Mobile networks and associated technologies and services represent a highly complex system to manage. It presents a major challenge to Mobile Network Operators (MNOs). A vast range of sophisticated Operations Support Systems (OSS) applications have been developed by suppliers to support the management of faults, performance, configuration, billing and customer experience.

Despite this active marketplace some important operational scenarios are still poorly supported by OSS vendors.  In particular scenarios requiring rapid-response such as cell, or sector, outage lack satisfactory solutions.  While modern OSS illuminate every possible detail of the network the design trade-off is that it can typically take hours to refresh their data and each system will tell its own nuanced version of the truth with reference to its own internal time-windows.  

MNO situations requiring rapid response are now more frequent with the roll-out of vast numbers of small-cells.  At the same time business imperatives are increasingly leading to a multitude of network partners including, Mobile Virtual Network Operations (MVNO), equipment-vendor/outsource partners, RAN-share partners, global acquisition partners and associated Network Operations Center (NOCs) at their headquarters.   

So now not only are there more frequent cell outages as cell numbers rise rapidly but also local operations directors have to coordinate their response with MVNOs, outsource suppliers, RAN-shares partners, and/or the Global NOCs. All these partners have their own OSS covering different aspects of the network environment and have their own versions of the truth regarding a network event. Generally, all these different versions of the truth are incompatible, to greater and lesser extents, when analysed in detail and cannot be relied upon for an immediate decision. Their views of the network are neither shareable nor comparable so there's no single view of the Network that parties can share or agree on.

RANmetrics understands that in the face of a major changes and network outage scenarios an operations director needs a fast reliable feed of basic but critical status-information that can be 100% trusted as accurate and while being  easily sharable with network partners.  Servicing this specific information requirement for critical and major network events, by providing consistent timely views of the network, is the core business of RANmetrics.  While other OSS might provide the same information with many more details, the consistency, reliability and age of that information makes it difficult to assimilate. It is often subject to multiple interpretations by different engineers and is not possible to share with network partners.   

Our flagship product is RANmate. RANmate specialises in locating, logging and reporting all types of cell and sector outages, these being the most serious (revenue affecting) events that require operations directors to focus on fixing the problem and not waste time determining what is exactly available and communicating that information to other parties. 

RANmate’s key features are:

  1. Can fully scan and refresh even the largest of RANs within 5 minutes.
  2. Can read status information directly from base-station sources.
  3. Can report simultaneously to multiple roles from CEO to base-station engineer.
  4. Can support out-of-the-box multi-party operations, can be deployed equally in RAN-Share, MVNOs, and Global Network Operations Centers
  5. Can be rolled back to any time period in the past to check change-coincidence.
  6. Can compare status related RAN KPIs by vendor, region and time-periods.

RANmate's simple design philosophy enables fast deployment, and minimal training. Contact us now for free (remote) Proof of Concept (POC).